The repeater is freshly set up!
Though some testing is still underway, I hope to get the system fine-tuned and released to everyone.
There will be some changes — frequent changes — so please be patient as everything is a learning process.
I don’t have any fancy tools or spectrum analyzers or anything, so I will need the help of the community to make sure everything is working smooth!
I look forward to expanding this group and hope that we can get more and more people interested in radio!
Make an account, share this site with your friends, and get people talking!
Please remember to keep things clean and professional.
Will there be nets?
My hopes are to have weekly nets. Keeping to the 575 theme by having it the 5th day of the week, every 7 days, at 5pm. So that would translate to:
Thursdays, 5pm, every week.
There might be a theme of “haiku of the week” where people check in by having a haiku ready, or even just a themed haiku written by the net manager at the time. All speculation and subject to change.
Will this connect to myGMRS network?
Yes — eventually.
That was the hope, at this current time the repeater I purchased has simply not released that feature yet, but the hardware is there.
I have yet to decide who and where I will link the node to, and I don’t want to make any promises until the node is set up.
I would love to have an interchangeable link to different areas in the US, to expand who we can chat with. There are a lot of node these days and I’d like to communicate with as many regions and perspectives as possible.
Isn’t there already a repeater in town?
Right now, yes.
Though, I just wanted to try it out for myself and learn as I went along.
This isn’t meant to overstep the other repeaters in the local area. In fact, it’s supposed to compliment them. The more options people see, maybe the more confident they will feel that these repeaters can be managed by anyone, and their owners’ biggest goal is to chat!
I’d like to create as welcoming of a hobby and community as possible, and I feel the more repeaters, the better.
How can we keep in touch?
If you need immediate assistance, join the Matrix server here:
If you don’t know what Matrix is, just think of it as Discord but open source.
Otherwise, you can send me an email using the form below.
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